Lindsey Shapiro, PhD,  science writer—

Lindsey earned her PhD in neuroscience from Emory University in Atlanta, where she studied novel therapeutic strategies for treatment-resistant forms of epilepsy. She was awarded a fellowship from the American Epilepsy Society in 2019 for this research. Lindsey also previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher, studying the role of inflammation in epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.

Articles by Lindsey Shapiro

Case highlights need to monitor psychological burden in Fabry

Despite long-term use of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), a man with Fabry disease in Japan had multiple strokes that led to rapidly worsening cognitive function and psychological issues, according to a case report that illustrates the psychosocial burden that patients may experience. The patient’s worsening cognitive issues made…

UK team seeks to boost diagnoses of Fabry in underrepresented groups

Researchers in England are working toward identifying and addressing barriers to reaching a Fabry disease diagnosis among underrepresented communities, particularly within ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status groups. The project is spearheaded by Richard Steeds, MD, a professor at the University of Birmingham and consultant cardiologist at University Hospitals…