Health Insights

Sleep Hygiene for Fabry Disease

People with Fabry disease frequently experience sleep problems. Because a good night’s sleep is essential to physical and mental health, as well as your quality of life, it may be beneficial for you to practice sleep hygiene. About Fabry disease and sleep disturbances Researchers don’t understand exactly how Fabry disease causes…

Fabry Disease and Sleep

Sleep disorders are common in people with Fabry disease. Here are some explanations as to why disturbed sleep affects these patients, with suggestions of ways to possibly address sleep issues. What is Fabry disease? Fabry disease is a rare metabolic disease caused by mutations in the GLA…

Fabry Disease and Seizures

Patients with Fabry disease may develop neurological symptoms, including seizures. While rare, these can be life-altering. Following is information about how Fabry disease and seizures may be linked. What is Fabry disease? Fabry disease is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene. This gene contains…

Fabry Disease and Anesthesia

People with Fabry disease may need, at some point, to undergo medical procedures that require anesthesia. Here is information about the different types of anesthesia, how Fabry disease may complicate their use, and precautions doctors should take before and while using them. What is anesthesia? Anesthesia is the use…

Independent Living for Fabry Disease Patients

Having a chronic condition such as Fabry disease can be particularly concerning if you are living alone. However, there are steps you can take to help you live well and independently. Get educated With a chronic disease, you are in a different place than someone with an acute illness. You…

Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis for Fabry Disease

Prenatal genetic diagnosis can be a useful tool to detect genetic disorders such as Fabry disease. The following information should help you understand the process, including what happens before, during and after testing. Inheritance of Fabry disease Fabry disease is a rare genetic disorder that results in the buildup…