
New Dosing Protocol May Shorten Fabrazyme Infusions

A new infusion protocol that gradually reduces the amount of time needed for the delivery of the Fabry disease therapy Fabrazyme (algasidase beta) is safe and well-tolerated, a study reports. The study, “Stepwise shortening of agalsidase beta infusion duration in Fabry disease: Clinical experience with infusion…

PRX-102 at Least as Effective as Fabrazyme, Interim Data Show

One year of treatment with PRX-102 (pegunigalsidase alfa), an investigational enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), was at least as effective as Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta) at preventing kidney function decline in adults with Fabry disease, interim data from the BALANCE Phase 3 clinical trial show. These findings add to the growing body…

Fabrazyme Safe, Effective in Japanese Study

Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta) demonstrated an acceptable safety profile and resulted in sustained reductions in globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) levels over seven years among patients with Fabry disease, a large real-world study from in Japan found.  The study, “…

New Study Explores Variability in ERT Outcomes

Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) may not effectively manage all aspects of Fabry disease in all patients, particularly when started at more advanced ages, a new study indicates. The findings highlight the need to start treatment early, its researchers said. The study, “Variable clinical features of patients with…