Sleep Hygiene for Fabry Disease

People with Fabry disease frequently experience sleep problems. Because a good night’s sleep is essential to physical and mental health, as well as your quality of life, it may be beneficial for you to practice sleep hygiene.
About Fabry disease and sleep disturbances
Researchers don’t understand exactly how Fabry disease causes sleep disturbances. However, they are a frequent clinical finding in this group of patients.
One study found that up to 68% of male Fabry disease patients experience excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS).
Another study reported central sleep apnea in five of its 23 Fabry patients, meaning 22% repeatedly stopped breathing while sleeping.
What is sleep hygiene?
Sleep hygiene is defined as behaviors you choose to promote a good night’s sleep so you will be more alert and active during the day.
Good sleep hygiene includes establishing an evening routine and going to bed around the same time each night. It also means sleeping for about the same amount of time every night.
Sleep hygiene tips
Leading up to bedtime, doing something relaxing may help, such as taking a warm bath. Perhaps you can do some reading if your vision allows.
Resist reading from a phone or computer, or watching TV, for several hours before bedtime. So-called “blue light” from those devices inhibits the release of the hormone melatonin, which helps you sleep.
Set your bedroom thermostat at a comfortable temperature. Usually, a little cooler is better than warmer, even when you’re experiencing minimal symptoms.
Avoid heavy or spicy foods, and alcohol or stimulants shortly before bedtime.
Other suggestions include limiting daytime naps to 30 minutes, getting adequate exposure to natural light during the day, balancing fluid intake, and having a comfortable mattress and pillows. Sometimes ocean sounds or soothing music can help.
Last updated: Dec. 4, 2020
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